Monday, May 25, 2020
A Western Approach to Islam Essay - 2020 Words
A Western Approach to Islam Islam is a highly recognizable and one of the most practiced religions in the world. It is a religion that brings hope, a meaning for life, and ultimately peace to those who follow its teachings. The Western world sees Islam as a violent and threatening religion that produces terrorists and radicals. If such a religion brings so much meaning to the lives of those that practice it, why does the West see it with such suspicious eyes? My research included reading books published by authors that attempt to explain the teachings of Islam to a mostly Christian audience. I also read versus of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. While trying to answer the question of what makes people perceive this as a violent†¦show more content†¦Thus we carry this knowledge which shapes our opinions on the Muslim community as a whole. The best way to approach this subject is with an open mind and a will to release the blame from the religion as a whole to the individual. I started my research by going to the best place I thought I could find information, an actual Mosque. As I stated earlier, I went to a mosque in Carmichael, California. Carmichael is a suburb in the greater Sacramento area. While visiting the mosque I noticed that the majority of the people there were Middle Eastern and African in ethnicity. The mosque itself is a fairly simple building but it has a style that is distinct to Arabic architecture. The area is gated but upon entering the gates you are welcomed by a building with a distinct rounded entrance with columns and archways leading to the main doors. The mosque is topped with a dome which is gives it its Middle Eastern look. The top of the dome has a gold spire and at the tip of that is the star and crescent moon symbol of Islam. The flag of the United States is also flown high atop a large flagpole at the entrance to the Mosque. I was able to interview a few people at the Mosque with the help of my friend Amira, who is a second generation Iranian and Muslim. With her help I was able to comfortably talk to members of the mosque and ask a few questions without being too much of an annoyance. I was completely accepted by theShow MoreRelatedIslamic Modernism : A Multiple Modernities Perspective1611 Words  | 7 Pages individualization, urbanization, and secularization for a long time. Hence, sociologists believed that the consequences of modernization were unavoidable and common destinations for modern or all modernizing societies. Sociologist also expected western modernity will be a single modernization path and it would ultimately take over in all modernizing and modern societies; with the expansion the basic premises of modernity, they would prevail throughout the world until the last decades. UltimatelyRead MoreThe Internal Debates Between Muslim Scholars Essay1602 Words  | 7 PagesWorld, regardi ng Islam and its compatibility with democracy. Are Islam and democracy compatible? Support for democracy is just as frequent as resistance in these developing nations with both sides pitching adequate arguments but in all traditions there are intellectual and ideological resources that can provide justification for an absolute monarchy or for democracy. Many argue that Islam has all the ingredients of modern state and society and many Muslim intellectuals and Western scholars alike seekRead MoreThe Tasks And Traditions Of Interpretation By Jane Mcauliffe1452 Words  | 6 PagesTasks and Traditions of Interpretation†and â€Å"Western Scholarship and The Qur’an†, interpret the Qur’an from two distinct points of view. The first article, â€Å"The Tasks and Traditions of Interpretation†by Jane McAuliffe introduces a famous commentator named Ali Ibn-al-JawzÄ « and explains his analysis on the different SurÄ s within the Qur’an. McAuliffe also introduces other famous commentators and compares them to Ibn al-JawzÄ «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s view. In the article â€Å"Western Scholarship and the Qur’an†by Andrew RippinRead MoreThe Recent Engagement Of Contemporary Islamic Thought With Modernity875 Words  | 4 Pagesurbanization, and secularization for several decades. Thus, sociologists believed that the consequences of modernization were unavoidable route and common destinations and patters for modern or all developing societies. Sociologist also expected western modernity will be a single modernization path and it would ultimately take over in all modernizing and modern societies; with the expansion the basic premises of modernity, they would prevail throughout the world until the last decades. UltimatelyRead MoreThe Between Politics And Religion1423 Words  | 6 Pages1. Islam, as we saw early in this course, began with a fusion of religion and politics. How do the various approaches to Islam we ve studiedâ⠂¬â€traditionalism as represented by the ‘ulama, Sufism, Islamism, and modernismâ€â€differ in conceiving of the relationship between the two? Does each necessarily have a vision of an Islamic engagement with politics and, if so, what does it look like? The interaction between politics and religion in the Islamic context is one that descends from the model of theRead MoreIslamic Ideas on Arranged Marriages1887 Words  | 7 Pages Marriage is an institute commemorated in most parts of the world. Unlike western societies, where love is a precondition to marriage, in many other parts of the world it is still not a requirement. A popular saying among these traditional cultures is first comes marriage, and then comes love. The Islamic community is one of the many cultures that embrace arranged marriages. Until very recently, research on Islamic marriage and family formation have been sparse. Raeann Hamon summarizes this absenceRead MoreRadical Views Of The Iranian Constitution1458 Words  | 6 PagesDavid Olsson Dr. BenShea Religion 311 – Islam 6/10/15 Radical Approach to Shari’a in Iranian Constitution INTRODUCTION The Iranian Constitution has been a controversial document, causing many questions about human rights, and how religion plays into it. It came into effect after a revolution that fought for rule of law and a civil society. The government however has faced lots of criticism internationally from the Western World, including the European Union, United States, United KingdomRead MoreThe West Vs. Reality1366 Words  | 6 Pageswhat nations have become today. The approach of using a strong military and a dynamic economy can be seen as template for civilizations when trying to dominate parts of the world since this template has been consistently used. The Clash of Civilizations, an essay by Samuel P. Huntington, argues that, as a result of the Cold War, global politics would be centered around the conflicts between the world’s civilizations. Huntington perceives the conflict between Islam and the West an extremely impactfulRead MoreIslam’S Nationalism, Ethnicity, And Religion . Since The1469 Words  | 6 Pagessimilar in many aspects and backgrounds. Comparing the two will entail a better understanding on the importance, impact, and approaches that one can pursue to better define Islam and Christianity’s impact in modern day. First, understanding the background and core of Islam is vital to better understating its development and impact. Islam was first founded in the 7th Century by the prophet Muhammad who is said to be guided by the angel Gabriel, who likewise appears in the Judeo-Christian bible. DescendantsRead MoreReligion For Some Is A Pathway To Heaven. Following Any1134 Words  | 5 PagesReligion for some is a pathway to Heaven. Following any religion is a personal choice of living a life with faith in a divine and supreme power. As any other major religion, Islam promotes peace, love and equality for all mankind . People who follow Islam are Muslims which is defined as â€Å"one who surrenders†in front of God. Islam has given both rights and responsibilities to men and women, but it has also handed extra responsibility to men to look after their families, to provide for them, and to
Friday, May 15, 2020
Questions on recruitment and workplace diversity - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1459 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Journal 2: Holland, P., C. Sheehan, et al. (2007). Attracting and retaining talent: exploring human resources development trends in Australia. Human Resource Development International 10(3): 247-262. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Questions on recruitment and workplace diversity" essay for you Create order Summary This is a research paper which used 1372 Australian human resource professionals to address the need for human resource development, such as training, job design, career management and development as well as team building, in order to attract and retain skilled professionals and workers. This is essentially a paper about competition for skilled workers. The results of this research paper indicated that employers provide more resources on recruitment and selection for new employees than developing career of current employees. The article suggests that the lack of resources on retaining current employees are a problem for Australian companies who are competing to hire qualified employees from Australia and overseas. Part B Discuss how changing environments affect organizations including whether or not workplace diversity makes good business sense. The world is getting more globalized with the current changing geo-political environment, open markets and even international migration, which represents external changing environments that can influence businesses. Demographic mixing and changes in the workforce have increased, due to migration of skilled workers from other countries to Australia (Margaret Linley 2001). That represents internal environment within the business. Large, medium, and small business organizations must be more flexible to accommodate the pressures within the external global and internal workplace environments to be viable in the current markets. While external environmental factors cannot be controlled, internal ones such as workplace can be influenced strongly to drive employee performance, and using it to improve business growth and sustainability (Barker Gower 2006; Child s Jr 2005; OLeary Weathington 2006; Tange Lauring 2009). Diversity within the business workplace is required for the current global business context and even within local businesses. Diversity can refer to any group of persons, not just ethnicity or linguistic differences, underrepresented in the business or workplace (Anonymous 2008a). Diversity is an advantage for global companies which can invest in the economy of a foreign country through Free Trade Agreements (FTA). Knowledge of the common language of the foreign country and its culture may assist the business to make sound business decisions while minimizing any potential misunderstanding in employment of the foreign workforce or contractual agreements (Tange Lauring 2009). Such investments will increase the growth and input of local businesses. For example, KPS China chose to invest in Australia for its first offshore processing manufacturing facility partially because at least an estimated 400,000 Australian migrants s peak Cantonese or Mandarin besides English and a third of the workforce is tertiary educated (Anonymous 2008b). That would allow KPS China to select from the skilled Australian workforce which can communicate in Chinas national language and would reduce miscommunication with fellow colleagues in China as well as from China (Anonymous 2008b). This is also evident in the local Australian banking institutions. Westpac, have expanded their capacity to potential overseas investors, which utilizes multicultural and linguistic skills in their employees (McCabe 2005). National Australia Bank (NAB) has recently used frontline multilingual customer service (including call centre) as part of a value-added service for their culturally diverse clientele in Australia. Skills of employees from diverse backgrounds could potentially be used to benefit Australian companies with a wide base of culturally diverse clients, especially in the use of another language other than English (Barker Gower 2006; Margaret Linley 2001). To survive in the global marketplace, such organizations are likely to look for employees which have the experience or ability of interacting cross-culturally to respond to the needs of global or multicultural stakeholders, especially the clientele (Carnevale 2008). Such culturally exposed people will be more able to successfully interact with people of other cultures, ethnicities, religious, economic and social backgrounds, and corporate recruiters are aware of such an advantage (Wright Clarke 2010). In recognition of this skill, some universities have started introducing programs aimed at exposing their marketing students through specialized programs, such as study abroad, about the diverse multicultural environments which they may encounter in their future employment (Wright Clarke 2010). International companies, such as IBM, focus on implementing diverse workplaces through leadership, in order to effectively improve and optimize employee performa nce by limiting discrimination and harassment (Childs Jr 2005). The best and the brightest employees will be selected on the merit of their performance , not because of their ethnic/religious/cultural/or linguistic background.IBM has a customer base in 65 countries and therefore diversity is an important business aspect, equated to that of providing superior technological services, in order for it to stay competitive globally (Childs Jr 2005). Besides the advantageous use of linguistic and cultural diversity in the workforce, there is also the issue of religious diversity. The local Australian financial industry have been studying the potential of Islamic finance industry that managed to withstand the latest economic downturn with a potential asset value of at least USD$ 2 trillion dollars by year 2015 (Rammal 2010). This study was initiated on the basis that there was a minority Muslim population in Australia but no Islamic banking and financial services are absent. This would p rovide a niche market for the banking and finance market which may lead to investments into the local industry by overseas Islamic investors, if this service is provided (Khan Bhatti 2008). This would require banks and financial institutions to engage qualified and culturally diverse employees with the background knowledge of Islamic banking and financial services together with the conventional Australian banking and finance experience. Embracing diversity successfully for the benefit of the business will require support from the top management levels. Discrimination and harassment, which may result from resentment of affirmative-like action and diversification, has to be reduced part of the business policies (Anonymous 2008a; Kirton Greene 2009; Roberson Stevens 2006). A global company like IBM has implemented an equal rights and opportunity policies with the support of the top management levels , including human resources, for all employees, regardless of their ethnicity, re ligion or sexual orientation, in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. It is in their belief that such a management model will allow their talented workers to perform optimally in a positive environment (Childs Jr 2005). Westpac, an Australian banking institution, believes in fostering the same environment for their employees by treating all staff with respect and integrity to motivate and engage them, as well as recognizing their needs and rewarding their performance (McCabe 2005). Both organizations strongly believe that a positive environment with respect and integrity will present both organizations as a socially responsible entity open to diverse cultures and respectable for others to invest and do business with (Childs Jr 2005; McCabe 2005). Managerial implications in implementing workforce diversity to foster a positive environment for all employees, especially those from diverse backgrounds, requires a strong and transparent emphasis of fair distribution of outcomes (such as equity, developing and promoting policy and procedures related to diversity, opportunities for participation for all in decision making) and interpersonal treatment of all employees with respect and integrity (OLeary Weathington 2006; Roberson Stevens 2006). Furthermore diversity or equal opportunity officers should be supported by the organization to carry out their duties , instead of being viewed with suspicion by other employees(Roberson Stevens 2006). To reduce resentment resulting from affirmative action, there should be a focus of managers to focus the process and outcomes of a diverse workforce that already exists and provide a fair and equitable workplace environment for their employees to strive productively and positively, instead of focusing on justifying why a person from a minority should get a job on the basis of their diverse status (OLeary Weathington 2006). Managers should actively engage workforce employees in multicultural education a nd seminars in how to interact and communicate, both professionally and effectively, with stakeholders (such as clients) of different cultures, ethnic groups or language (Barker Gower 2006; Sujansky 2007). Organizations should be able to accommodate religious and cultural needs of their diverse workforce to foster good relations. For example, IBM has instituted separate washing facilities for their Muslim employees in Canada, in order to accommodate their prayer needs (Childs Jr 2005). In conclusion, changing environments on the globalized scale, such as increasing diversity due to skilled migration and foreign investments require businesses to be flexible and open to other cultures, religion and languages, in order for them to interact with stakeholders effectively and professionally while limiting misunderstanding. This will constitute good business sense. Managers need to both implement and support the diverse workforce with appropriate policies and procedures in an open and transparent manner to foster a positive and productive environment. Investing in a tolerant and diverse workforce, free from discrimination and harassment of minority groups, presents the business as a socially responsible organization with integrity. The advantages and benefits for businesses utilizing the unique diverse culture within their environment are economically linked to increased output and growth.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Police Training - 1924 Words
Each year citizens die in encounters with law enforcement officers. It is reported that â€Å"Americans are eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist†(Rucke, 2013). Although there is no official data base tracking these occurrences it is estimated that between 500 and a 1,000 people are killed by police officers each year. To put this in greater perspective this number equals approximately 5,000 since the 9/11 terror attack which is roughly the same number as U.S. soldiers who have been killed in the line of duty in Iraq (Rucke, 2013). This statistic is justifiably concerning. The cause of police related killings are multifold and cannot be attributed to only one factor. Many deaths may be unavoidable and perhaps, dependent on the situation, necessary. I contend, however, that many of these deaths may very well be preventable. It is my opinion that police training is very specific focusing on situational containment which involves quickly and forcefully apprehending criminal suspects. Although police training does include aspects of communication, the general intent is to establish authority over the person in question. This is done by communicating the impression of overwhelming force and aggression. I would contend that these two factors are the main principles of police training, whether it be verbal or physical interaction with the suspect. This approach is understandable for the law enforcement profession is fraught with danger and theShow MoreRelatedThe Law Enforcement Recruitment And Training Needs1580 Words  | 7 PagesTerm Paper: Cops Czar for the State of Missouri Identify the Major Law Enforcement Recruitment and Training Needs: Recruitment Needs The profession of policing derives its effectiveness from its ability to attract and employ quality individuals who will strive to better their community. Therefore proper recruitment and selection of officers is incredibly important to a police organization. Some major needs to Missouri’s recruitment process will be addressed in the following paragraphs. DiversityRead MoreIn Our Ever-Changing World, Mankind Has Always Been Concerned1389 Words  | 6 Pagesto note, that, police officers should not be dealing with mentally ill people. It can be seen that there has been a link between police departments and mental situations throughout our history. In this paper I am going to be analyzing why police officers lack training when dealing with mentally ill people. Furthermore, I am going to argue that Police officers lack of training with handling disputes with those with mental health issues. There have been many incidences where police officers interactRead MorePolice Misconduct And Criminal Justice923 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Police executives have always had different issues within the police department. Most police executives try to find a quick fix in order to solve the issue of police misconduct. Police misconduct is defined as inappropriate action taken by police officers in relation with their official duties (Police Misconduct Law Legal Definition, n.d.). In order to solve this issue, one must acknowledge their different challenges, overcome the â€Å"code of silence†, and find out the role of organizationalRead MorePrivacy Violations At The Open Lake Park Police Department1671 Words  | 7 Pagesin the police force is occurring. Sometimes, this equipment malfunctions and ends up doing more harm than the good it promised. When this occurs, a reevaluation of how the cameras are being used should happen to make sure improvements occur. As shown by the recent privacy violations to the Round Lake Police Department regarding body-worn cameras, officers need to become more familiar with th e technology they are using and stricter policies about their usage are necessary. Recently, issues concerningRead More`` Blue Blood `` By Edward Conlon Essay1563 Words  | 7 Pagesleading to the creation of police officers who would enforce these laws and regulations. However, this is one of the world’s most dangerous and stressful professions. Mainly because police officers are expected to put their lives on the line every single day to protect and serve society. Even though this is the case, becoming a police officer has always been a goal of mine. Edward Conlon book called, â€Å"Blue Blood†provides amazing insight on what it’s like to be a police officer. This is because EdwardRead MorePolice Brutality Is An Act Of Aggression And Unnecessary Force1571 Words  | 7 Pagesestimate annual cost of police misconduct to taxpayers is 1.8 trillion dollars (Wing 2015)? Police brutality is an act of aggression and unnecessary force to handle a situation, most cases in physical form. It also plays a role in ethnicity, not all, but most police officers are still racial profiling. This controversy has been an issue of the U.S criminal justice system for decades, especially among minorities. In 2015, a record 1,207 people were killed by American police, making us the only nationRead MoreCriminal Justice As An Adjunct Professor At The Nevada Air National Guard Essay1196 Words  | 5 PagesSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Thirty-five years of policing experience in a large metropolitan police department with a tourist based economy. Retired in 2009 as the Assistant Chief of Police. Operational and Senior command experience in Administration, Patrol and Detective Divisions. Recognized internationally for training, presentations and publications in Community and Problem Oriented Policing and a wide-range of other policing topics. Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Nevada Air NationalRead MoreThe Police Problem Of An Award Winning Tv Show Southland1657 Words  | 7 Pages This paper will discuss a police problem depicted in an award winning TV-show Southland. 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Although police have these guidesRead MoreThe Importance Of Police Officers852 Words  | 4 Pagesminorities. Perhaps an issue generated from this distrust, many officers have been accused of using excessive force; unfortunately, it’s difficult to tell whether or not the allegations are true or not. One debated solution to this issue is to require on duty police officers to wear body cameras (body cams). These cameras would be mounted to the chest of police officers and capture any events that transpire from thei r point of view. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of police brutality, requiring
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Modern Music free essay sample
After I interviewed four peoplefriends and family?I found out what type of music they listened to when they are upset, angry, or calm. Music touches peoples souls, and gets the best or worst out of them. My friend Kyle said, When I am in a bad mood I listen to basically rap because it gets me hyped up to where want to dance. Rap lets me get into a better mood where I can forget the problem or what I was mad at before. He continues, No other music affects me as much as rap does because rappers put everything they have into their songs, but that is only my opinion.Kyle has listened to rap since he was 13, and he actually got me interested into it. Never liked rap until I started to hang out with him, and am now starting to enjoy it because of its diversity that is involved in making the music. Rap lets me get into a better mood where I can forget the problem or what I was mad at before. He continues, No other music affects me as much as rap does because rappers put everything they have into their songs, but that is only my opinion.Kyle has listened to rap since he was 13, and he actually got me interested Into It. I never liked rap until I started to hang out with him, and I am now starting to enjoy it because of its diversity that is involved in making the music. Each rapper has their own version of the world, and they express it through their music. -2- Not all rap music is good according to a Texas widow, who filed a lawsuit against Outpace Shaker. Her husband, a Texas state trooper, was allegedly shot to death by a man who stole a car. In the mans car a Outpace tape was found In the cassette player, ND Tubas music was allegedly to blame (Demean).Some people tend to take music too seriously, and end up making mistakes, and they have to suffer the consequences like that Texas man. Those people, who take the music too seriously, are not stable, and the music brings out the worst of them. On the other hand, people like Kyle have no problem with some of the lyrics that some rappers incorporate Into their music, and end living happily with society. I asked Kyles roommate, Tim what type music he listens to when he Is In certain moods. He said, Sometimes when I am homesick I listen to Frank Sinatra because my mother and father listen to it all the time, so it reminds me of them. He is also a big rap fan, but not as much as Kyle. Tim can listen to anything at any time, for instance, he could listen to Notorious BIG one minute then listen to Marilyn Manson the next. He continues, If I have the urge to get pumped up then I need something that Is crazy and wild to get me In that mood, Like White Zombie or some sort of heavy music. There have also been lawsuits involved with such heavy metal like Marilyn Manson, Oozy Osborne, Slayer, and Judas Priest. Marilyn Masons music had been to blame for the suicide of 13 year-old boy from California.Another family from California sued the band Slayer because their lyrics inspired three teenage boys to rape and murder their daughter. Oozy Osborne and Judas Priest had lawsuits filed against them claiming their lyrics drove teens to attempt seclude In the late asss, but the cases penman). Once again people or teenagers took the music too seriously, and they ended making stupid mistakes by doing so. These teenagers are allowed to listen to such music at an early age when they look up to certain entertainers likeMarilyn Manson.These teenagers need role models, and they end up looking the wrong way En they should be dolling baseball and football players. They are at the crucial age when they are looking for a direction in life while trying to find themselves in the process. These teenagers think that they are supposed to listen to every word they sing, and they end up taking them seriously by acting upon those words. The teenagers, who take it seriously and act on it, are insecure looking for someone to dead them through life, and end going to the wrong person for help when they should be going to an adult, or a positive role model for help.I asked my mother what she listens to and what she feels when she listens to it. She said, l like to listen to classical music after a hard days work because it soothes me to a point where my mind is free from all of the stress that is involved in my Job. My mom is an accountant where she works with numbers all day long, and that can get annoying by looking at the same sheet of numbers for hours at a time. My mom recently began existing to country music, and I asked her why she recently switched. She responds, l needed a change from the regular music that I normally listen to.I like it because the lyrics of some songs are quite deep, and I could relate to some of the stories that are incorporated in the songs. The songs make me feel free, and I need that after a hard days work. . 4- am not a country fan, and I often cringe when I hear it, but my mom was the same Nay, and she now listens to country. I guess in time my view will change because as I get older I will look everywhere for a new kind of sound that will catch my ear. Most people go through their stages of music as their get older, and I am in between rap and alternative.While my mother is in between country and classical, but it depends hat kind of mood we are in is when we turn to one or the other. The fourth person that I interviewed was my sister. I asked the same question as the above three. She said, It depends because one week is different from the next. I will buy a new CD, and listen to it until I am sick of it then I move on to the next artist. When I am feeling depressed I listen to the Verve or Dave Matthews because the songs are calmer and tooting, so I can calm down, and enjoy life. She concludes, When I am in a happy mood I like to listen to anything that is on the radio because I do not know what is coming on next, and I like being surprised. I asked myself the same question, and I know that I cannot live without music. I like to come home after class, lie down, and mellow out to some Pink Floyd or Pearl Jam. If I do not listen to my music for a day then I would not consider it a complete day. Music is the only thing that I consider mine, and nobody can take that away from me. Everybody should feel the same way s me because there are certain things that people like to keep to themselves, and music is one of popular things that people tend to keep from other people, but that is only my opinion. To some it is Just sitting down, reading your favorite book, but I like to lie down, and Just contemplate about what I am going to do in life. Pink Floyd really so deep. I have been depressed for a month now, and music is the only thing that I can turn to in order to get relief. People have tried to talk to me about it, but nobody understands that I Just need to be left alone with my music, and that music is my only remedy.Music is a beautiful thing. People need to realize that music can solve many problems, and many people, like me, turn to music to get relief or release stress. Music can touch everybodys soul, and release the pain that somebody might have about a loved one or Just life in general. If you go to a concert, you will see people dancing to the music, and getting in tune with the rhythm like a flower Moving in the breeze, or a tree swaying in the wind. It is our human nature to dance to music, and respond to what we hear by acting out our feelings through music.You an go anywhere and see this; no matter if you are at a concert or a fraternity party, How will see people expressing themselves. Music can also cause a lot of problems too, like the ones I mentioned above. People need to respect it for that quality because it is able to affect people in every way imaginable. It is hard to explain exactly why humans love music the way they do, but it is an art form that we have been creating since the dawn of man. We will continue to explore the wonders of music and explore new ways to produce it while being affected by it at the same time.
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